23 Jun Empowering the Church to create a recovery focus
During 2019, Inside Out successfully partnered with Jubilee Church in Hull. Jubilee Church offers a broad spectrum of interventions for marginalised people groups, and therefore sees its fair share of service users battling the consequences of substance misuse. Inside Out has provided Jubilee Church with a structured training programme, ongoing supervision and start up support – empowering Jubilee Church to create recovery focused relationships, through the use of one-to-one and group facilitated interventions. These have been launched delivering excellent service user relationships, engagement and positive outcomes. Inside Out delivers service provision modelled upon evidence based practice, and is in keeping with current NICE guidelines. These guidelines suggest that service users’ treatment pathways should be phased. in other words, it should be clearly laid out, with both starting and exit points. Inside Out delivers this through the use of structured, individualised and holistic care planning and goal setting. The guidance however; does not stop there, going further to state that the provision of care should also be layered. In order to layer care effectively Inside Out views each individual through a whole person approach, acknowledging that every area of life is key in the services users lifestyle choices. This viewpoint permits us to layer care through a multidisciplinary and multiagency approach to meet the varying needs of our service users as they arise through the use of counselling, education and accommodation to name a few.
A Look to the Future
The partnership has so far been a huge success, demonstrated by the addition of four bed spaces within abstinent based housing for both men and women. We have also delivered multiple, successful one-to-one and group facilitated interventions. This has in turn attracted other organisations across the U.K, suggesting that 2020 looks to be an exciting year of equipping and empowering communities to support those recovering from addiction. If you or your organisation would like to speak to someone from our team about training opportunities just head to the “Contact Us‘ section as we would love to hear from you.
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