05 Jul Green Pastures property offer accepted!!
Our partners Green Pastures (green pastures.net) have had an offer accepted on a property in Hull. Inside Out is to use this property to house those recovering from addictions.
We need YOU!!! any donations of time or finance welcome as we move forward to help serve our community.
Bridget Hickey-Williams
Posted at 11:01h, 14 NovemberWishing you many blessings. We too are hoping to be a partner soon. though not a rehab, I have 4-6 people sharing my beautiful small holding in our ‘turn Arouns Stays’ some need rehab eventually so we shall contact you sometime I’m sure.
Mofolasayo Atinuke-Jatau
Posted at 16:45h, 12 NovemberDearest Bro Luke,
I will like to know more about this venture.
Sis Oluremi.